Every Piece Has Its Place


What do you do with a 6′ airplane propeller that against all odds, you won on eBay? Well…Ken and I went back and forth, but we both agreed we wanted to keep the integrity of the piece (hence not modify it by trying to make something else out of it like a lamp–although that probably could have been cool too). So where do you hang a 6′ piece of aircraft in your 750 sf apartment? Continue reading

On a Whim

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Have you ever, on a whim, bid on something on eBay or at a silent auction thinking, “Why not? I’ll probably be outbid anyway”?

So have we, only we weren’t outbid. It all started last August when we flew out to Salt Lake City to visit my sister, Sarah, who’s wrapping up her PhD at the University of Utah. While browsing antique and vintage shops on 300th Street, Ken and I came across a killer 6′ wood plane propeller in a tiny mom and pop vintage shop. Ken has always been fascinated by flying and has gradually been logging flight hours over the past 10 years towards a private pilots license. Needless to say, the propeller caught his eye and we seriously considered buying it, but had no idea how we’d get it back to Minneapolis, so we ended up passing on it. Continue reading