A Few Faves for February


Between the lack of sunshine and seemingly endless bitter cold weather, this time of year can be tough, so I’ve been trying to incorporate little things into my daily routine that make me feel good inside and out, as well as invigorate the senses to help tide me over until our old friend Spring gets here! Continue reading

Nordic Winter Centerpiece


I don’t know if it’s the rustic simplicity, the effortlessly cozy factor or my Nordic pride shining through, but I’m always inspired by the Scandinavian aesthetic, especially so this time of year. I made this Holiday centerpiece for our dining table using a flat wood piece we salvaged from an old textile loom that a local salvage and antique shop, Art & Architecture was selling off for parts. With just a couple drill holes, a few candles, and a snippet of velvet ribbon, I pulled together a simple and restrained centerpiece that we’ll use to deck the halls with Nordic flair this year. Continue reading