A Fitger’s Affair


This past weekend Ken and I stopped in at Fitger’s while in Duluth for an obligatory (ha!) growler exchange at the Brewhouse. (Have you tried their Apricot Wheat Beer? It’s crazy good.) On our way out of the complex, we passed through the courtyard where we held our wedding reception 2 years prior and saw there was another wedding reception underway that evening. It brought back such fun memories of that night, so I thought I’d post a few photos and share our experience in case anyone is considering tying the knot in Duluth. Continue reading

North Town Bound


A very happy Friday to you! What do you have on the books for the next few days? Ken and I are heading north to my hometown, Duluth, MN for a weekend with family on Lake Superior. Did you guys hear Duluth recently won Outdoor Magazine’s Best Towns 2014 Contest? Located on a hill overlooking the largest freshwater lake (by surface area) in the world, Duluth’s water sports, hiking trails and beautiful views are endless! Continue reading

Snow Day!


Growing up in northern Minnesota, I have fantastic “snow day” memories from childhood. In their earliest form, snow days could be summed up in bib snowpants, Sorels, snow angels, sledding parties, marshmallow adorned hot cocoa, and the liberating feeling that you had the whole. day. off. from school to play and play and play some more. Continue reading

Winter Bucket List

Francois Et Moi

Here in Minnesota, our winters can sometimes start to drone on.  6+ months of short, gloomy days and frigid temps really start to take their toll once the Holiday glow subsides. In preparation for the winter drudgery ahead, I’ve made a list of things I’d like to accomplish during the winter months in hopes that it will help keep my spirits up over the long haul. Below is the list so far. What’s on your to-do list this winter? Continue reading

Technicolor Fall


In an attempt to relish the fleeting days of fall, I thought I’d stroll back in time slightly and share the engagement shoot we did with Eric Lundgren at the Walker Art Center’s Sculpture Garden two years ago.  Looking back through these photos makes me really glad we decided to have engagement pictures taken, as we were on the fence at the time. It’s just so nice having casual, candid photos to help us remember that time in our life. Happy weekending everybody! Continue reading