Snow Day!


Growing up in northern Minnesota, I have fantastic “snow day” memories from childhood. In their earliest form, snow days could be summed up in bib snowpants, Sorels, snow angels, sledding parties, marshmallow adorned hot cocoa, and the liberating feeling that you had the whole. day. off. from school to play and play and play some more. Continue reading

Lavender Infused Hot Cocoa

In celebration of the winter wonderland scene we’re greeted with as we look out our windows this morning, I thought I’d share the lavender hot cocoa recipe my friend, Jill, introduced me to a few weeks ago. This cocoa recipe from à la mode is infused with dried culinary lavender and is served piping hot with a dollop of fresh vanilla bean whipped cream — a dream come true on a day like today. Enjoy and happy snow day!


Stop over at à la mode for the recipe and more enticing images.